The collective impact of many donors has a greater reach and impact than individual single donations.

Inspire a culture of Philanthropy in Hamilton County.

Grant applications are considered quarterly. All applications must be received online by 4:00 PM on the deadline date

HCF Grants Application

The Hamilton Community Foundation grant program was created to help address unmet and emerging charitable needs in Hamilton County. We use a set of general guidelines to help in the allocation of funds since requests generally exceed the amount of funding available.

Quarter 1
Opens - December 1
Deadline January 8 by 4:00 PM
Notification 2nd week in February

Quarter 2
Opens - February 25
Deadline - April 1 by 4:00 PM
Notification - 2nd week in May

Quarter 3
Opens - May 25
Deadline - July 1 by 4:00 PM
Notification - 2nd week in August

Quarter 4
Opens - August 25
Deadline - October 1 by 4:00 PM
Notification - 2nd week in November

    • Organizations with 501(c)(3) tax exempt status under the IRS

    • Community groups working for public benefit projects

    • A demonstrated need for this project/program in the community

    • Project has a direct impact on Hamilton County residents

    • Requests from organizations which have operated successfully for at least one year and demonstrate an ability to enlist financial support from the public

    • Funding for the project is limited or unavailable from other sources

    • Expenditures incurred prior to formal grant approval

    • Tax supported school systems or municipalities

    • More than 50% of a project (this includes all HCF grant applications combined for one project)

    • Ongoing operating expenses

    • Events

    • Organizations with unused funds from a prior grant

  • Quarterly Hamilton Community Foundation Grant

    Annual Women In Philanthropy Grant

    Annual Youth Engaged In Philanthropy Grant

Grant Applications are 100% online. Please direct all questions to the office at 402-694-3200 or email

Applicants are strongly encouraged to reach out to the Hamilton Community Foundation prior to submitting a request.

When you apply, please be sure to read all of the guidelines and select the correct type of grant you are applying for; a “HCF quarterly grant” or “Women in Philanthropy Grant”. (When you go to the grant portal, if you only see one type of grant, this indicates other grant opportunities are currently closed so proceed with the application.)

  • One grant may be awarded per organization per calendar year.

  • All previous grant receipts and reports must be turned in to the Foundation and payment made before a new grant application can be completed.

  • Grants are generally awarded to cover projects that are completed within 12 months. (If you are requesting funds for a portion of the project, please outline the details in your application.)

  • Funds spent prior to grant approval do not qualify as an eligible grant expense.

  • Each approved grant is often offset by requests that could not be funded. It is important that organizations request only the funds needed to complete the project.