Giving what we can to help small communities thrive.

For the benefit of Hamilton County.

The Hamilton Community Foundation is a nonprofit, tax-exempt corporation whose purpose is to meet local community needs for all manner of civic, charitable, educational, cultural, health, recreational and humanitarian purposes.

The Hamilton Community Foundation can assist you in planning and administering your contribution for funds, large or small, to meet these worthy community purposes.  All contributions have potential income tax as well as estate and gift tax incentives.


Gifts and memorials can be made in the following ways:

  • Charitable Bequest – a provision in your will that creates a legacy

  • Gift of Retirement Plan – avoids potential double taxation

  • Donor Advised Fund – provides maximum tax benefits and grant making flexibility

  • Gift of Ag Commodities – a tax-wise gift compared to cash

  • Gifts of Real Estate –  provides significant tax advantages

  • Gift of Securities – offers multiple tax benefits

  • Charitable Gift Annuity – provides lifetime income

  • Gift of Life Insurance – easy, convenient and flexible

  • Charitable Remainder Trust – increases income and bypasses capital gains taxes

  • Wealth Replacement Trust – helps provide for family and charity

The Hamilton Community Foundation solicits your gifts, large or small, for the benefit of all residents in Hamilton County.  Qualified persons are available to visit with you about your gift and will meet with you at your convenience.

Dancing CranesBy Larry Allder                                                Funding provided by HCF

Dancing Cranes

By Larry Allder

Funding provided by HCF

Crane Sculptures.jpg